What are you hungry for? Click a filter to choose from our menu See Our PDF Menu EnchiladasCombosPastaPulpoCamaronesResParrilladasLunchMake Your Own ComboLunchDesayunosDesayunos EspecialesA la CartaNiñosSidesBebidasPostresAperitivosQueso FundidoPuercoPolloBotanas de MariscosOrdenes de CevicheOstionesBurritos y MasTortasEmpanadasBurritosNachosBotanasQuesadillasTaquitosBirriaTacosEnsaladasCoctelesTostadasPescadoSalmonFiletesHuachinangoMojarraMolcajetesLangostasFajitasCaldos EnchiladasCombosPastaPulpoCamaronesResParrilladasLunch— Make Your Own Combo— LunchDesayunos— Desayunos Especiales— A la CartaNiñosSidesBebidasPostresAperitivos— Queso FundidoPuercoPolloBotanas de Mariscos— Ordenes de Ceviche— OstionesBurritos y Mas— Tortas— Empanadas— Burritos— Nachos— Botanas— Quesadillas— Taquitos— BirriaTacosEnsaladasCoctelesTostadasPescado— Salmon— Filetes— Huachinango— MojarraMolcajetesLangostasFajitasCaldos Pescado A variety of fresh fish in a spicy, chunky vegetable soup. Served with hot fresh... Camarón Mouth-watering jumbo shrimp in our own home-style vegetable broth with tortillas. Available: Med / Lg Camarón con Callo Shrimp soup with carrots, scallops & vegetables. Available: Med / Lg Costa Brava A combination of jumbo shrimp & halibut in our hearty vegetable broth. Served with hot... Puerto Nuevo A combination of spicy octopus, shrimp & scallops in our hearty vegetable broth. Available: Med... 7 Mares A delightful combination of different kinds of seafood in our own home-style vegetable broth. Served... 4 Mares Camaron, langostino, pulpo y callo de hacha. Available: Med / Lg Pulpo Spicy octopus served in our hearty vegetable broth. Available: Med / Lg Camaron y Pulpo Shrimp & octopus soup Available: Med / Lg Pata de Jaiva Hearty crab legs with lots of vegetables & crab. Served with rice, cilantro, onions, lime... Albondigas de Camarón Available: Med / Lg Albondigas de Pescado Available: Med / Lg Res Beef stew with fresh vegetables. Served with rice & tortillas. Price not valid during show... Pollo A hearty chicken broth with lots of vegetables & chunks of tender chicken. Served with... Birria de Res en caldo Pozole Verde (Served All Day) Pollo y Puerco (mixto) Todos los dias Albondigas de Res Meatball soup